
Introducing the Ora Lamp, the smart study lamp that helps you focus and motivates you to stay on top of your work.

The sketches outline iterations of the form and UI of the concept: a light based study timer, which arose from human-centred research. The final design was selected based on user feedback, while also considering ergonomics, aesthetics and stability.

To refine the concept, a looks-like prototype was 3D printed and given to focus groups. This informed ergonomic and visual changes. The material was changed to matte black ABS with a pointer that was sculpted out of the top casing, resulting in an intricate, singular body. 

A works-like prototype was devised using existing products and platforms, including Google Teachable Machine, to create lighting effects similar to a real product. This allowed us to simulate and evaluate the effectiveness of the concept.

Branding Ora

We have combined a joyful, modern brand identity with a colourful twist, using the Italian word for ‘now’, keeping to the Italian roots of the pomodoro technique.


With its frosted light shade the lamp emits a wave of colours to help you focus and change your study environment.
And the retractable smart camera uses AI to detect when you get distracted and tired and gently encourages you to finish working.

The Ora timer can be seamlessly integrated into existing desk set-ups due to its small footprint and minimal design.

The timer counts down from a user defined work time, automatically including break time calculated using the set work time. The camera detects if the user is unfocused, lighting patterns tempt the user into a productive mindset.

My Role.

  • Designed a Pomodoro technique based study timer that encourages focus through light.

  • Prototyped a Machine Learning model to monitor attention.

  • Led team design work and produced CAD renders and video animations. Conducted human-centred research to develop product with consumers.


Braun ProMeasure

